Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Most Valuable Thing. . .

As for now(or I think forever),,my most valuable thing is my studies,,my family and ofcourse ''GOD". My study is very important to me,,because my future lies on it. I gave more value or important to my family,,GOD and my sudies. Because,,how can survive with my study without my family and without GOD??, .They are my source of strenght. I don't know what will happen to me without them. .Can I survive??. ,(no I can't). .

And if you will question me why "GOD" and my family are my most valuable thing,,aside from studies. .It simply because their my life or their my everything. .Especially my family. .I think "nga" I can't live without them. .That's how my family ang GOD are very important to me. .

Monday, July 23, 2007

My experience during our first prelim...

Ahmm!!my first experienced during our prelims??,,what "kaya"??,,Ahmm!!maybe,,same as usuall,,I fell nervous.Everytime i'll take examinations I really felt nervous. You know why??,,because I think I cant answer those questions given to me properly..But when Im starting reading those questions,,my nervous starting to fall down. And when the examinatiion was ended I felt "parang wala lang".
And what Im looking forward to our midterm is I want to learn more things and explore many experiences.And I hope,, I will not get nervuos when Im taking my midterms. So that I can concentrate answering. Because for me,,midterm is more important than prelims. (Thats all..)

Why I choose these blog title(princess_kim)

I choose this blog title the (princess_kim) because I just like it. I like the name princess. Not because I look like a princess,(no im not). When I was a kid I really dreamed of being a princess. Sometimes,me and my friends were playing,,or shall I say we are having our own movie,.(charr!!what a movie,,ajEje)..Of courSe I am the "bida",(the princess) and my partner was also the Prince Charming. And will end up happily ever after,,(ajEje)..
Thats why Im very addict of being a princess. I am one of the fans of all Disney

Princesses. To tell you frankly,, until now Im very addict of it "pa". Imagine!!!in my age now Im very fund of princess "pa". I love to watch movies and to read books where the story is all about princesses. Thats why I choose that blog title(princess_kim). Sounds like my blog title will not fit on me. But who cares,!!!Eh!I like it.